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LifeCycle Planning

LifeCycle Planning is a marriage between the art and the science of the client's future.  It is a holistic approach of understanding the vision, injecting goals, wants and needs into the mix and creating a usable plan that on balance is tax efficient, visceral and easy to understand for the client. 

The adage: "life got in the way" should not be the excuse.  It should be part of the solution, and it can be part of it with a good plan.  Anticipate the unanticipated and drive forward to fulfilling the dream and vision.  One can only do that with a comprehensive plan in hand, or by sheer luck.  We prefer creating a solid LifeCycle Plan to ensure a client's destiny.  After all, a lot is at stake.

What is your dream? How does your vision of your life in the future fit with your life today? Life is not one dimensional.  There are dozens of events and circumstances that force, direct or guide your life.  Life Cycle Planning ‘connects the dots’ of your life events from today, to tomorrow, to beyond.  Each part must be considered on its own merits and within the working framework. LifeCycle Planning is that framework. 

Traditionally, there have been three stages of planning:  Asset growth or accumulation, asset de-accumulation or spending and succession or estate planning; these are the broad stages. LifeCycle Planning goes well beyond these broad stages by expanding each to facilitate the planning characteristics of how life actually plays out.  No longer are there delineating borders for each stage; LifeCycle Planning bridges the gaps, overlaying effective strategies and pathways from one stage to another and back again.  It is fully integrated throughout the lives of each client and their family.  It takes two dimensional thinking to third and fourth dimension results. 

Comprehensive planning is particularly important and beneficial for Professionals and Business Owners.  The planning opportunities are wide and expansive. LifeCycle Planning connects the professional/business owner's success with their retirement security.  It is one thing to be successful in one's life's work; it is yet another thing to translate that success to family wealth.  And that is exactly what the 'raison d'etre' is for Whole Wealth Plus