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Understanding the 'what', the 'why' and the 'how much' components of Insurance is perhaps the most critical.

Insurance comes in many different forms and functions. The main purpose of any type of insurance is protection and to help manage risk. Integrating certain types of insurance into your overall plan can ensure that your Life plan and that of your family is well protected. 

Within the holistic framework of your Plan, we help you determine the most appropriate type and amount of insurance needed to protect what is important to you now and in the future. Some types of insurance protect your family at your death, while other types protect you and the well-being of your family while you are living. It is important to carefully and thoroughly address the many things in your Life Plan you wish to protect. We help you understand what type of insurance is most suitable to your needs, and explain its uses within your overall Plan. 

The Different Types of Insurance*

  • Temporary Life Insurance: Term 5, Term 10, Term 20, Family Term
  • Permanent Life Insurance: Term 100, Universal Life, Whole Life, Participating Whole Life
  • Critical Illness Insurance
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Annuities: Single Life Annuities, Joint life Annuities, Term Certain (with or without guaranteed periods)
  • Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawl Benefit policies
  • Segregated Funds

* Please note that this list is a sample of an abbreviated cross-section of insurance products that might be applicable to your needs.  Upon a complete review of your situation, we can help you determine the best fitting insurance product for you.