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Tax and Estate Planning

Estate planning can provide financial security for your loved ones, and peace of mind for you while living.

It is about making personal choices and taking control of your wealth today, allowing you to shape the vision you hold for yourself and your family for the future.

Tax and Estate Planning is much more than legacy planning, It is more than setting out your final wishes, and how you would like your assets distributed through a last Will and Testament. It goes well beyond "getting your affairs in order", or clearly identifying 'DNR' (do not resuscitate) orders, or even assigning powers of attorney in the event you are incapable of acting on your own behalf. Estate Planning is all of these things and more.

We understand the importance of Estate Planning for each of our clients. That is why we help guide clients in their understanding of the many aspects of estate planning and how it best suits them. Whether it is helping a client put their affairs in order, or explaining the benefit of using a testamentary trust, an estate freeze or setting up and applying a Henson trust for a disabled loved one, it is our personal approach and expert guidance with each client that is appreciated the most. Our expert professional knowledge enables us to liaise with other professionals such as estate lawyers or tax accountants, to ensure the client's wishes and intent is thoroughly addressed. We can be there each step of the way. The depth of planning we are engaged in is directed by the client.

Tax and Estate Planning is more than legacy planning. It is the structure and form in providing financial security, and risk management to all that you worked hard to build. It is about making personal choices and taking control of your wealth today, allowing you to shape the vision you hold for yourself and your family for the future. Tax planning and estate planning are two important elements in ensuring that your vision evolves successfully. Conferring with your professional accounting advisors and integrating your tax and estate plan seamlessly with your Financial Life Plan is our unique strength.

Your last Will and Testament is arguably the most valuable document you will ever create.  

The value is not necessarily measured in currency, but in the understanding of your financial affairs and fulfilling all of your final requests.

Wills and Estates

Without being trite, death happens to all of us sometime during our lifetime.  And we usually do not know when it will occur.  It is better for you and your family if the planning is done before death.  Estate planning, which includes tax planning, can provide financial security for your loved ones, and peace of mind for you while living. It is about making personal choices and taking control of your wealth today, allowing you to shape the vision you hold for yourself and your family for the future.

There are three key documents that ought to be put in place as soon as possible.  They are: your last Will and Testament; A Living Will, which is a Power of Attorney for your person; and a Power of Attorney for property. 

The Value of Naming a Beneficiary

In Ontario, the value of naming a beneficiary can be significant. If you name a beneficiary, an insurance company is obligated, under the Insurance Act, to pay any death benefit proceeds to the named beneficiary on record. Because the death benefit proceeds do not pass through the estate, they not only avoid the delays of settling the estate but also bypass probate and other estate administration fees. To learn more about how important it is to name a beneficiary, please contact us or click here.

Your Will Planning Workbook

A great deal of thought and planning needs to go into preparing your Will. Not only should you consider what your estate is currently worth, you should also consider your future sources of wealth. Click here to download a helpful will planning guide.